Right Mouse Button tool allows a Windows right mouse button simulation on the touchscreen.
A representation of a typical two-button mouse is displayed in a small window on the desktop, when this application is run. The initial presentation of the RMBT shows the left button shaded, indicating that the left button is active. Any touch on the desktop or an application will produce a left button click consistent with the Button settings in the Control Panel.
A touch in the RMBT will change the shading to show the right mouse button active. Now any touch on this monitor on which RMBT is running will produce a right button click.
Typically, a right button action will activate a new dialog box for some function similar to mouse right button click. When that dialog box is touched, or any other touch on the touch monitor is made, this touch will be a left button event. Simultaneously, the mouse button shading in the RMBT will toggle back to the left button.
After the RMBT has been touched to toggle to the right button state, a second touch in the RMBT will activate a menu allowing the user to:
The RMBT may be dragged to any location on the desktop by touching it and holding the touch momentarily until the crossed arrows appear. The RMBT may also be dragged with the standard mouse.
The RMBT cannot be resized.
The RMBT can be run for every touchmonitor from the Elo Control Panel > Properties tab.
Only one RMBT can be active for each touchmonitor.
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